No. de ArtículoTítuloTítulo FuenteAutoresLink
1 Physicochemical and antimicrobial characterization of beeswax–starch food-grade nanoemulsions incorporating natural antimicrobials International Journal of Molecular Sciences Arredondo-Ochoa T., García-Almendárez B.E., Escamilla-García M., Martín-Belloso O., Rossi-Márquez G., Medina-Torres L., Regalado-González C.
2 Modified starch-chitosan edible films: Physicochemical and mechanical characterization Coatings Escamilla-García M., Reyes-Basurto A., García-Almendárez B.E., Hernández-Hernández E., Calderón-Domínguez G., Rossi-Márquez G., Regalado-González C.
3 Functional and textural properties of a dehulled oat (Avena sativa L) and pea (Pisum sativum) protein isolate cracker LWT Morales-Polanco E., Campos-Vega R., Gaytán-Martínez M., Enriquez L.G., Loarca-Piña G.
4 Dietary Peptides from Phaseolus vulgaris L. Reduced AOM/DSS-Induced Colitis-Associated Colon Carcinogenesis in Balb/c Mice Plant Foods for Human Nutrition Luna-Vital D.A., González de Mejía E., Loarca-Piña G.
5 Baked corn (Zea mays L.) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) snack consumption lowered serum lipids and differentiated liver gene expression in C57BL/6 mice fed a high-fat diet by inhibiting PPARγ and SREBF2 Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry Dominguez-Uscanga A., Loarca-Piña G., Gonzalez de Mejia E.
6 Differential evolutionary algorithm in the construction process of optimal experimental designs Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation Paredes-García W.J., Castaño-Tostado E.
7 Strategic Planning for the Supply Chain of Aviation Biofuel with Consideration of Hydrogen Production Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research Domínguez-García S., Gutiérrez-Antonio C., De Lira-Flores J.A., Ponce-Ortega J.M., El-Halwagi M.M.
8 Physical, structural, barrier, and antifungal characterization of chitosan-zein edible films with added essential oils International Journal of Molecular Sciences Escamilla-García M., Calderón-Domínguez G., Chanona-Pérez J.J., Mendoza-Madrigal A.G., Di Pierro P., García-Almendárez B.E., Amaro-Reyes A., Regalado-González C.
9 Vibrational Properties of Monodispersed CdS Nanoparticles Immersed in a Matrix Constituted of SnO2 Nanostructured Thin Films Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics Campos-González E., Rodríguez-Fragoso P., Santoyo-Salazar J., Tomás S.A., de Moure-Flores F., González de la Cruz G., Zelaya-Angel O.
10  Synthesis of gallium nitride and related oxides via ammonobasic reactive sublimation (ARS)  Materials Research  Hernández-Hernández L.A., Aguilar-Hernández J.R., De Moure-Flores F., De Melo-Pereira O., Mejía-García C., Cruz-Gandarilla F., Contreras-Puente G.

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